المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

International Journal of Research and Studies Publishing

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

The Impact of Informal Settlements on Urban Space

Dr. Khaled Ahmed Naser
College of Letters and Human Sciences in Beni Mellal, Morocco


The random housing phenomenon is one of the phenomena that have become closely related to most major cities and are widespread in them, whether on the global or Arab level, and their causes are multiple and overlap based on the specificity of each city and the lifestyle in it, in addition to the conditions prevailing in the country and society as a whole. What has been observed, as a result of many studies and academic research specialized in this field, is that the negative impact of these slum dwellings is not limited to those residing in them only, but goes beyond that and goes beyond that to the social, cultural, security ... and other structures of the urban space and society in general. Based on the foregoing, this research seeks to present a brief view of what slums are, and their features, with the aim of moving then to a brief and exploratory presentation based on studies in this area of the effects of these settlements or neighborhoods on the social actors belonging to it on the one hand, and the city on the other hand as More comprehensive.


Slum, City, Urban Space, Crime, Delinquency

College of Letters and Human Sciences in Beni Mellal, Morocco
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المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات مجلة علمية محكمة متخصصة في نشر الابحاث العلمية في مختلف التخصصات، تصدر المجلة الدولية دورياً كل شهر. تصدر المجلة في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية


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