المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

International Journal of Research and Studies Publishing

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

Financial Engineering and Shari'a compliant (Urbun, Promise, Participation and Cooperative)

Dr. Racha Mohamad Arab Ghayad 1*, Dr. Mohamad Ali Hamdan 2

Assistant Professor, Head of Finance Department, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Lebanese University, Lebanon 1*
Assistant Professor, Head of Marketing Department, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Lebanese University, Lebanon 2


This research present a list of instruments proposed as Islamic instruments for the management of market risks. Moreover, through the filtering of the instruments collected, resulting from this conceptualization effort, our approach has enabled us to identify certain "non- replicative" and other "replicative" instruments. We have seen how the latter: often present obvious contractual and / or financial weaknesses or limits, and above all, generally struggle to represent real Islamic derivatives, according to the very discourse of Islamic finance. Indeed, faced with such a contradiction between theory and practice, we have tried to find the possible path (s) towards such a radical change in practice, by returning to this sharing of risk.


Gharar, Risk, Participation, Islamic, instrument, Financial engineering

Assistant Professor, Head of Finance Department, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Lebanese University, Lebanon 1*
Assistant Professor, Head of Marketing Department, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Lebanese University, Lebanon 2

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المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات مجلة علمية محكمة متخصصة في نشر الابحاث العلمية في مختلف التخصصات، تصدر المجلة الدولية دورياً كل شهر. تصدر المجلة في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية


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جميع الحقوق © محفوظة المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات 2019