المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

International Journal of Research and Studies Publishing

المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

The Impact of Human Resource Management Strategies Practices on the Performance of Organizations SMEs Companies (A Case Study in the Eastern Province - Saudi Arabia)

Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Almatter

PhD in Business Administration, College of Business Administration, University of Lincoln, Malaysia


This study aims to identify the impact of the practices of human resource management strategies on the performance of organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to identify the concepts of the study represented in human resource management strategies and the performance of organizations, by reviewing the results of specialists and practitioners by presenting a high performance presentation, and shedding light on the largest institutions and small companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in terms of their establishment and development, a statement of the factors that ensure the success and activation of the beginnings of human resources in institutions and companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including improving their performance. The results indicated that there is a statistically significant impact of strategic human resources practices on the performance of employees within organizations and small and medium companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the presence of a statistically significant effect of the selection and recruitment processes on the performance of employees, and the presence of a statistically significant effect on training and development on the performance of employees. The most important recommendations concluded by the review of the reward plan in institutions and small and medium-sized companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia based on the appropriate environment to reflect positively on employees, and work to link the performance of organizations with the participation of their employees, that these organizations set specific and measurable goals that can be realistically achieved through employees.


Human Resource Strategy, Selection and Recruitment, Employee Performance, Organization Performance, Performance Appraisal.

PhD in Business Administration, College of Business Administration, University of Lincoln, Malaysia

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المجلة الدولية لنشر البحوث والدراسات

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